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Am a Certified Motivational Success Coach that empowers entrepreneurs with tools to break through barriers, succeed and achieve their goals.

Sunday, April 26, 2020


For Bible believing Christians, Jesus is coming back for a Church without wrinkles or spots and we are currently witnessing what the Word of God says will happen before Jesus returns for his bride. One that is ravaging the USA and all nations of the earth is covid19virus and almost all nations are presently in lockdowns. I wonder ‘what would have happened to any prophet that predicted the coming of covid19 virus pandemic and its global effect   ’. I can only imagine that nobody will believe the person and maybe he or she would have been locked up somewhere for the prediction. In any case, God the Almighty that knows all things knew of this and I thank Him for His mercies and also for answering our prayers and helping us endow governments, scientists, health personnel’s with wisdom, knowledge and understanding   an what to do to eradicate the covid19pandemic across the  USA and all nations of the earth. 
  Recently, I was asking the Lord what we need to repent from as a Church in the USA , though some people in the USA still think the church is the building, however from the Word of God; we know we{Christians} are the temple of God. God then He gave me the list of things which ideally should not be rampant in church but is now the order of the day in our churches. The Lord also reminded me of what he told me 8 years ago , ‘The church that should be Godly  has become worldly’ and  I spoke about this on my You Tube Videos ‘tagged ;‘The Lord is tired with Church series’ ;
You can watch one of the videos series  here; https://youtu.be/NkEtCdUmwuM
  I therefore admonish all ministers/church folks across the USA to pray prayers of repentance using the lists below and in accordance with 2 Chronicles 7; 14 so our nation can be totally healed and restored. The list encompasses the pride of life, lust of the eye and lust of the flesh that crept into the church {the people} and the pulpit {the ministers}.
Here is the list of things to repent from as a Church and as ministers of the Gospel;
Double standards,Hypocrisy,Avarice,Secret sins,Lasciviouness,Polyandry, Polygamy, Bigamy, rape, murder,incest,abduction, gun violence/crimes,adultery,fornication,ungodliness, selfishness, family rivalry, unhealthy competition, bestiality, homosexuality, same sex marriages, swinging/swapping of sexual partners , lesbianism,gay,greed, covetousness, domestic crimes, violence crimes, money laundering crimes, ritualist,idolatry, love of money , pedophiles,unfaithfulness, hatred, racism, rebellion, disobedience,prayerlessness,mockery of holy things, lack of love for God, satanic worship , adoption of satanic lifestyles .and the list continues.
May God bless us all and God bless the USA.
Yours in Christ,
Min Fola

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