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Am a Certified Motivational Success Coach that empowers entrepreneurs with tools to break through barriers, succeed and achieve their goals.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Illuminating The Darkness Around us and Getting Positive Results using God's Words.

One of the things we crave in our lives   as human beings is getting positive results. Any time we do we feel good with ourselves and anytime we don’t we feel bad and sometimes beat ourselves up .Beating ourselves up will not make us get the results we deserve so we need to adopt better techniques and changing our strategies.
        One of the tools that God has provided to provide answers and illumination to the                   darkness around us is in using God’s wisdom .In this blog, am going to share with you            some powerful truths of how we can get positive results and shine the light in every dark       area of our lives. God is light and He operates in light, whereas the devil likes operating          in darkness. My prayer is for everyone that reads these nuggets to receive the                          revelation they need to move in the light this New Year.
Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb10:38, Hab 2:4: These four scriptures tell us that as believers we are supposed to be living; by Faith. The Word of God is the source of Faith. This is our manual for solving all our problems and it tells us the way to live as a Christian. The Holy Bible provides us with the standard guidance on how to live. It is our responsibility to open it, read, meditate on the scriptures, pray for your eyes to be enlightened to the Truth in the Word and then obey what it says.
Whenever we obey we reap the results of obedience, whenever we disobey we incur the wrath of disobedience. Deut 28.
God is a God of Love, he also provided us with free will to make our choices. The
Holy Spirit never forces us to do things; it is the devil that operates like that.
As much as God wants us to make wise decisions in every area of our lives, the onus is still on us to make the choice.

 These are some of the benefits of spending time in the Word:
1. You no longer walk in darkness in any area of your life. God will reveal you to you. Things will no longer be like an accident cause His words will show you revelations concerning your home, your life issues and business. Psalms 112:4, John 12:46, 1 John 1:5, Psalms 18:28.
2. You will be able to thwart the fiery darts of the devil with your Sword of The Spirit. Ephesians 6:13
3. You will prosper in your finances, because you know what The Word says about money and you are applying what you know. Joshua 1:8
4. You will be able to walk in divine health because of your revelation of healing power in the Word of God even if sickness wants to appear in your body physically, you can tap in to the spiritual for your healing. Exodus 15; 23
5. You will never walk in lack another day of your life, because you have read, meditated and obeyed the principle of giving and receiving.
 Luke 6:38 NLT Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in
Full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and
poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.
6. The Word of God provides wisdom for every area of our life; the ability to know what to do when you don’t know what to do. There’s also provision to ask for wisdom if you lack it.
James 1:5 .The Word of God will reveal to you the Love of God and you would be able to walk in love as God is Love. I John 2:9-11
7. You will know that you are an Ambassador of Heaven which is our final home, we are temporary resident of earth and will begin to operate as Ambassadors do.2 Cor 5:20
8. It makes you have a deeper relationship and understanding of God the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit. I John
9. You will not be an ignorant believer and the Spirit of excellence will operate in you and in all other areas of your home, family and business.Hosea4:6Eph4:18, Rom 12:1-2, Acts3:17.
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