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Am a Certified Motivational Success Coach that empowers entrepreneurs with tools to break through barriers, succeed and achieve their goals.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Building Physical &Spiritual Intimacy for Couples ;Elder Lorenzo&Carla Kornegay 08/31 by Heart to Love with Fola | Relationships

Building Physical &Spiritual Intimacy for Couples ;Elder Lorenzo&Carla Kornegay 08/31 by Heart to Love with Fola | Relationships: ‘Heart to Love with Fola' The Sun Show for Couples ‘ Couples Café Nite' is back with Elder Lorenzo Kornegay and his beautiful wife Carla Kornegay They will be continuing the Three Part series ,Part 3 Role of physical and spiritual activities for building intimacy and Joyful marriages Here's a little info about Elder Lorenzo and Sis Carla's marriage; He has been married to his wife Carla B. for 23 years and they met through a mutual friend. After about 4 months he knew he was going to marry her and within the first year of dating they became engaged to be married. They used to stay up all night talking and getting to know one another. According to Elder Lorenzo what has kept them together this far has been their commitment to God. They believe that God is the glue that keeps them together. They have four wonderful children; two are in college, one in high school and one in grade school and they have devoted their lives in having a successful family in Christ Jesus. Elder Lorenzo Kornegay is on Facebook Sis Carla Kornegay is also on Facebook. For Coaching Needs.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Why we go through Struggles and how to overcome them with Carla Kornegay 04/04 by Heart to Love with Fola | Self Help

Why we go through Struggles and how to overcome them with Carla Kornegay 04/04 by Heart to Love with Fola | Self Help: Join me today on Mrs Carla Kornegay 's her Debut Episode on 'The Ladies show' .She will be sharing wisdom tips on why we go through struggles, pains and hardships as ladies and how to handle them when they show up in our lives. Sis Carla B. works a great job with the Federal Government and she has been married to Elder Lorenzo for 23 years . In their own words, what has kept them together this far has been their commitment to God. Elder Lorenzo Kornegay is on Facebook Sis Carla Kornegay is also on Facebook. For Coaching Needs. .